Latest News

New Tip – How to set up automatic forwarding in webmail

June 26th, 2024|

If you need to place a forward on your address, our helpdesk can assist you or you can set up the forward yourself with this tip Tip – How to set up automatic forwarding in webmail

Tip – Custom margins and backgrounds in Word

October 18th, 2021|

This tip was requested by attendees of Making Creative Posters – 903. We use Adobe Spark in the session which is great for images and graphic titles but sometimes you want to add more dense text or edit text in Microsoft Word to create certificates etc.

Click here to view the tip.

Tip – Planning your website

October 11th, 2021|

Looking for guidance on creating a new website for your service? Or want to do a make-over of the current one? Our new tip talks about identifying your users, site structure and building a site flowchart.

Click here to view the tip.

Tip – Password best practice and Password Managers

October 1st, 2021|

Best practice for any important online account is to use a unique complex random password and to update it periodically. This can be an inconvenient demand if you have many passwords memorised but becomes easy with a Password Manager.

Click here to view the tip.

2021 Friday before the AFL Grand Final closure

September 16th, 2021|

Please note that the IT support will be closed on Friday 24th September 2021. IT Support service will resume on Monday 27th September 2021 from 9AM.

Online TLDS training webinars are now available

July 19th, 2021|

The Online Transition Learning and Development Statement (Online TLDS) tool reopened on Monday July 12th 2021.  To assist early childhood educators we have updated our Online TLDS demonstration video and are offering webinars of our course Online TLDS Training – 901.

The training is available to both community kindergartens and long day care services throughout Victoria. 

This course is for teachers who have not previously used the Online TLDS and provides an introduction. If you are familair with the Online TLDS, or if you are confident with online platforms our 15min demonstration video is more appropriate along with the online tipsuser guides and the helpdesk.  

View our Training information page for schedule times and enrolment.

Before you leave for the school break

June 22nd, 2021|

Just before you leave for the school break, it is helpful to:

  1. Shut down your computer
  2. Switch off the modem
  3. Switch off the power and unplug at the wall socket
  4. Add a post it note reminder to your computer screen stating – turn the modem and power back on

Following these steps can stop a possible power surge or damage to your computer. It also saves energy.

If you want to check your webmail over the break, remember the new webmail is here:
The username is the full email address.
Please ensure that you know the password for your email account. If you are unsure what the password is, please contact our service desk.

Technology Survey 2021

June 10th, 2021|

We would like to find out what our service member’s most pressing IT needs are and how we can improve the program.

There are six question sections covering technology needs, connectivity, training, service improvements and customer satisfaction.

Survey Online:

Complete this 5 minute survey to have your say.

This survey is intended for staff, educators, directors and committee members of Victorian kindergartens that make use of the Kindergarten IT Program

Training webinars May and June 2021

May 12th, 2021|

Now available for enrolment

Throughout the final term we are offering webinars of our courses on basic troubleshooting, website development and poster design in the free Adobe Spark web app.

The courses offered:

  • Practical IT Skills – 602
  • WordPress Website Development – 101
  • Making Creative Posters – 903

You can view the schedule and book a webinar session on our training page.

Update: Issues sending email to Yahoo email accounts

March 29th, 2021|

The issue is now resolved.
Please contact the help desk if you continue to experience any issues.
We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Information technology support is provided by the State Library Victoria, Community IT Support Team
Monday to Friday from 9.00am to 5.00pm

Phone: 03 8664 7001 Toll Free: 1800 629 835
General Enquiries Email: Technical Support Email:

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Kindergarten IT Program

Latest News

Issues sending email to Yahoo email accounts

March 29th, 2021|

We are investigating an issue where users are unable to send emails to yahoo email addresses.
We apologize for any inconvenience. Our team is currently working to restore the service.

Training webinars

March 10th, 2021|

Training webinars

Practical IT Skills – 602 training webinars are now available for March 2021

Practical IT Skills – 602 is a basic introduction to troubleshooting a computer and performing practical IT tasks in a small office when you don’t have a technician nearby. The course is designed to support you in learning a simple problem solving approach to modern computing devices.

You can view the schedule and book a webinar session on our training page.

Tip – Switching between Windows & Mac

February 12th, 2021|

After a while everyone gets gets used to using either Microsoft Windows or Apple Mac. But what if you need to switch?
Our new Tip – Switching between Windows & Mac covers the basic differences so you can adjust quickly.

Click here to view the tip.

Tip – Phishing email attacks and socially engineered messages

November 20th, 2020|

Read about phishing attacks  in our new Tip – Phishing email attacks and socially engineered messages. These attacks are a common method used by scammers to fool you into giving out private information!

Click here to view the tip.

TLDS platform will NOT email Section 2&3 link to the parents automatically.

November 20th, 2020|

TLDS platform will NOT email Section 2&3 links to the parents automatically.
You need to copy and paste the link in an email and send to the parents.

Early Childhood Voices Conference 2020 (ECV2020)

November 18th, 2020|

Happening all through the week of 16th to 20th of November is an international online conference hosted by Charles Sturt University’s Early Childhood Research Group.

It is FREE to register to view the live presentations and busy kindergarten staff can browse a large YouTube playlist of all presentations afterwards.

“The Early Childhood Voices Conference (ECV2020) is a multidisciplinary international conference providing a platform to share research about innovative methods, theories and partnerships with children, families and practitioners that supports social justice during early childhood or within the early childhood sector.”

Tip – First steps in response to ransomware

October 22nd, 2020|

As a follow up to Tip – How to take precautions against ransomware, we explain what first actions you can take in response to ransomware  in the Tip – First steps in response to ransomware.

Click here to view the tip.

Tip – How to take precautions against ransomware

October 20th, 2020|

Ransomware is a constantly growing threat for organisations and individuals. We explain what ransomware is and the precautions you should take with our new Tip – How to take precautions against ransomware.

Click here to view the tip.

Tip – How to set Chrome spell check to English (Australia)

October 16th, 2020|

When you are composing text directly into a web application such as Online TLDS, you will need to rely on the spell check built into your browser. To improve your experience, you can set the spell check to English (Australia)

Click here to view the tip.

TLDS – Online TLDS platform is NOT a record keeping tool

September 9th, 2020|

Essentially each service will have your own policy regarding retention of documents for a child’s record. DET has outlined the legislative requirements (Page 5 of Guide to Information sharing ), but services do have freedom within that legislation to make your own policies regarding child assessments.

DET has advised that the Online TLDS should not be used as a record keeping tool, and not relied on to meet kindergartens’ document retention obligations – so a copy of the completed TLDS should be maintained as per each kindergarten’s service policy.

If you require more information, please contact DET directly via

State Library Victoria Online Storytime session 26/08/2020

August 26th, 2020|

State Library Victoria has an online Storytime session today at 9.30 am which you can view by clicking the following link:

Online Transition Learning and Development Statement (TLDS) 2020

July 28th, 2020|

The Online Transition Learning and Development Statement (Online TLDS) website is now available. Similar to last year, the following is available on the Kindergarten IT Program website to support you in using the Online TLDS:

Our helpdesk is available Monday-Friday 9am to 5pm if you experience any difficulty or have any questions on how to use the platform.

Information technology support is provided by the State Library Victoria, Community IT Support Team
Monday to Friday from 9.00am to 5.00pm

Phone: 03 8664 7001
Toll Free: 1800 629 835
General Enquiries Email:
Technical Support Email:

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