
How to empty the Trash folder in webmail

Log in to webmail. If you're unsure how, refer to our tip, How to check email remotely. Once logged in, click on the 'Trash' folder on the left hand side so it is highlighted blue. Click the three vertical dots along the top of the screen, then click on the word 'Empty'

How to sort mail into conversations in webmail

Log in to webmail. If you're unsure how, refer to our tip, How to check email remotely. Once logged in, click on the 'Options' menu at the top of the screen. Click the 'List mode' drop down box, select 'Threads', then click 'Save'. Your email conversations will then be grouped up. You can click the

Phishing Scams

What is a Phishing Scam? Phishing scams are attempts by scammers to trick you into giving out personal information such as your bank account numbers, passwords and credit card numbers. This is usually done by including a link that will take you to a legitimate looking company’s website to fill in your sensitive information. Phishing

How to preview email in webmail

Log in to webmail. If you're unsure how, refer to our tip, How to check email remotely. Once logged in, left click on the email you would like to preview The email will then appear in the right hand side. If you want to view it full screen, double left click on the email like

How to compose and send email in webmail

Log in to webmail. If you're unsure how, refer to our tip, How to check email remotely. Once logged in, click the 'Compose' button in the top left. You can enter your recipients email address in the 'To' field You can enter your subject in the 'Subject' field You can enter the body of your

How to setup Out Of Office reply

Log in to webmail. If you're unsure how, refer to our tip, How to check email remotely. Once logged in, click the 'Settings' button in the left hand side. Click 'Out of Office' on the left hand side Fill in all the appropriate details on the right hand side, such as the 'Subject', 'Body', 'Start

How to migrate emails from Windows Live Mail to Outlook

Microsoft has stopped supporting Windows Live Mail. If you are still using it, we suggest you to migrate all your emails to Outlook. Please follow the following steps: Open Outlook and set up your kindergarten email address in Outlook. How to set up your kindergarten email account in Outlook, please refer to our tip -

Ransomware and fake emails

Ransomware is a type of malware that makes your data such as documents and photos unavailable. Usually by scrambling (encrypting) the data so it is unusable. Then, offering to unscramble the data if you pay the ransom. Data recovery is not guaranteed after paying ransom. Ransomware is usually spread as an email attachment or link

CryptoWall virus

Further to our alerts regarding Cryptowall virus, many email users are being lured to sites such as fake Australia Post websites. At a glance these sites appear legitimate but attempting to use the services will lead to downloading the CryptoWall virus. All staff accessing email must assess email and links. Assume all mail is suspicious

Phishing scams

‘Phishing scams’ or ‘spam’ emails are designed to obtain sensitive information for malicious purposes… Why do I get Spam? Identity theft, to steal money Obtain sensitive information (usernames, passwords) Use your computer and information for illegal activities Malicious links and attachments (computer viruses) Advertising What kinds of Phishing scam emails can I expect in my

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