Mobile Devices

Tip – Family tech agreements

With children looking forward to transitioning to technology focused schools, now is a great time to introduce families to the concept of family tech agreements. provides templates for both under 5s and lower primary years: Family tech agreements | eSafety Commissioner. Help your parents set the right approach over the summer break with these

Scam text messages

Scam texts are fake messages with links that can target Androids, iPhones or any other smartphone. Scammers can appear to be sending from legitimate phone numbers or even among messages from other contacts. Although they are constantly changing examples regularly include…   claims of a missed call with a link to voicemail [FAKE]   claims

Password best practice and Password Managers

Best practice for any important online account is to use a unique, complex random password and to update it periodically.  This can be an inconvenient demand if you have many passwords memorised but becomes easy with a Password Manager.   What is a Password Manager? An App or feature that records, stores then auto-fills usernames

iPad Apps for Early Learning

In response to our IT training feedback, we have once again updated this and added a new section on some relevant mobile web services. Please note, these are only suggested Apps, mentioned to us from Kindergarten teachers. This list is not exhaustive nor authoritative. Please check the suitability of these apps for your intended purpose.

Create a song playlist in iTunes to play on an iPad

The iTunes program allows you to import CDs, manage and play music on your desktop computer. Once you have imported your music into iTunes you can create playlists of your favourite songs, to suit a theme or particular mood. You can play them on the computer or copy the playlist to an iPad, to play

New Portfolio Templates for iPad Pages – Australian nature theme

Our ‘iPads in the Kindergarten' course introduces creating portfolio documents on the iPad using Pages. Pages App is a word processor designed specifically for the iPad. It doesn’t come built into the iPad; it is a paid App that can be found in the Apps store. We have created some new sample templates in Apple

Lock an iPad into one App

Guided Access is a setting that allows you to temporarily lock an iPad into one App at a time. This is particularly useful if you are using the iPad with children; they can stay focused on the activity and won’t be able to exit the game or access other features of the iPad until you

iPad Apps for Early Learning

In response to our IT Training Survey (June, 2014) where we asked “What iPad Apps do you use in your Kindergarten and what Learning Outcomes do they achieve from the EYLF?”, we have a collated a list of suggested Apps. Hear feedback from Early Learning Educators on the suggested Apps for use with children and

Portfolio Templates for iPad Pages

Our ‘iPads in the Kindergarten’ course introduces creating portfolio documents on the iPad using Pages. Pages App is a word processor designed specifically for the iPad. It doesn’t come built into the iPad, it is a paid App that can be found in the Apps store. We have created the portfolio templates in Apple Pages

Android Apps for Early Learning

An Android Tablet Computer be a great resource for the classroom and there are numerous innovative ways to use the technology for learning. Just press the Google Play / Play Store button on the top right to open the Apps Shop and to start searching for Apps. Here are some free Apps for Early Education

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