
Cyber security threat

KITP team is aware of a large scale spear phishing attack that is currently being targeted at various Government sectors and organisations in Australia. Spear phishing is a scam that uses emails to try and capture details from you, and/or load your computer with malware. These emails are designed to look like they come from

Welcome to the new Kindergarten IT Program website

The eagle eyed among you may of noticed our website looks a little different. We gave it a little bit of a face lift. We're keen to hear your feedback, feel free to start a chat with us in the bottom right hand corner of the screen and tell us (desktop only), or email us

TLDS login credential email sent on 15/05/2020

You may have received a notification from LinkIT on Friday 15 May advising of your new password for the Online TLDS. This email was sent out in error. Please disregard and delete this email. A new password will be sent to all EC services in July 2020 when the platform is scheduled to reopen. If

We are still open!

The Kindergarten IT Program service desk is open Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm to provide IT support. Despite the temporary closure of State Library Victoria, our services are still available. For IT support, please contact us via email, phone, chat as normal. Email: Phone: 1800 629 835 Chat: Select chat box on the bottom right hand

Cancelling the KIMS training for March 2020

Due to the rapidly changing coronavirus (COVID-19) situation and the requirement for social distancing, we are postponing the upcoming KIM face to face training scheduled for next week. This is a preventative measure to support the health and well being of all staff and the broader community. Whilst we are postponing face to face training,

Storytime Live Streaming

Tune into our Storytime page to view a regular LIVE VIDEO of State Library Victoria's storytellers & volunteers running Storytime. We know that not every child can get to their library to participate and we want to share the fun with as many kindergartens as we can.

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